Friday, 17 May 2013

New Plan to Call India Landline & Mobile   provides lowest  rate  calls with HD quality .

Now with All New  India Landline & Mobile Plan  , one gets   1400 Minutes  to Call Any Number in India  @ 19.99$  a Month.

Calls  can  be placed  from  PC , Mobile Apps  from Anywhere in world
Calls can also  be Placed from Local Access Numbers in Countries Available .

its  time to  move  to   , if  you still struck  with  old  styled providers .

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Call Pakistan Mobile @ 6 cents a minute

iTalkWorld  has introduced  special  Routes  to  help  people save  a lot on  calls to Pakistan Mobile .

Rates  to Call Pakistan Mobile had increased  recently  and  people  were finding it  tough  to  call there loved ones back home .

iTalkworld  introduced  special  50-50 routes  ,  by using prefix  999 in front of  numbers    eg :  to call pakistan  mobile  instead of dialing  00923XXXXX  one needs to dial    999923XXXXX   and calls  go  through  special  routes helping users  make  call  at  6  Cents a  minute  which  mean  close  to  4 pence  a  minute .

Most  of  traditional  calling card  actually route calls  over  these routes  and  charge  as much  as  10  cents  a minute .

iTalkword  does not  play  any gimmics  ,  you  are charged  only for  minutes you  call  .

its  time to switch to   .. register fro free.

Cheap Calls to India is offering  Cheap Voip Calls  to  India .  one can call India  starting 1.4  cents ( US cents )  a  minute .
What more  the calls  are  routed  through   direct  interconnects  , with lowest latency .

Calls can be placed from PC  , Mobile App & also Local Access Numbers .

Unlike others  there  are  no gimmicks  ,  no  call setup fee  ,  no  flagfall .
You  just  pay  lowest  call  Rate .

its  time to switch to  if  you have are yet to  do  so.
If  you  are  already  with iTalkworld   ..  enjoy  your  journey :) 

VOIP ... Quality Calls Low on Cost

VOIP  has  gone a  long way over years ,  Now with companies  like  Concentrating on HD  in VOIP , its  challenging  traditional Telcos .
With Low rate calls  in comparison to  telcos and  call Quality at par , people are realizing    how much they could benefit out  of  voip.
Coming up of Smart phones is  increasing penetration of voip .  offer  Mobile Apps  , so  people  will no longer have to sit in front of computers  to  make use of low cost calls . now  would they require  to purchase any  special hardware . All that is needed an  Internet connectivity preferentially  wifi or  3G on  Mobiles  and  you  can  just  make  calls  like  you  place  normal calls  from your mobile..only difference being  calls are routed  over internet .

iTalkworld is  offering  Mobile Dialers for  Countries and  networks  where voip is blocked . So,  you  can make calls  even  in Blockades .

No  Internet connectivity  .. not a problem  ,  iTalkWorld user  can still make  use of  low cost  calls  by  using  same  account  to  make  calls  over local  Access numbers  available in USA , Canada , UK , iTaly , Spain , South Africa  & many  more .

In a  way  italkworld  account solves  purpose of  VOIP  and  Calling card at  same time  .

With unlimited call plans  , one  does not have to  keep  talks  small  but  can  enjoy  unlimited calls  .

its  time  to  switch to  .. if  you  are still not  there.